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How to Save on Utilities in Your Rental Home

Living in a rental home comes with its own set of challenges and opportunities, especially when it comes to managing expenses. One of the most significant recurring costs is your utility bill.

Whether you're new to renting in Utah or a long-time resident, finding ways to save on utilities can make a substantial difference in your monthly budget. Here are some practical tips to help you reduce your utility costs while living in a rental home.

1. Conduct a Home Energy Audit

The first step in saving on utilities is understanding where you're using the most energy. A home energy audit can help identify areas where you can improve efficiency. While professional audits are thorough, you can also perform a basic audit yourself. Look for drafts around windows and doors, inspect insulation, and evaluate your lighting and appliances. Many utility companies in Utah offer free or discounted energy audits, so take advantage of these services.

2. Optimize Heating and CoolingM

Heating and cooling account for a large portion of utility costs, especially in Utah’s varying climate. Here are some strategies to manage these expenses:

  • Programmable Thermostat: Install a programmable thermostat to control the temperature based on your schedule. Set it to lower the heat when you're not home or during the night.
  • Regular Maintenance: Ensure your HVAC system is serviced regularly. Clean filters and vents improve efficiency and reduce energy consumption.
  • Seal Drafts: Use weather stripping or caulk to seal any drafts around windows and doors. This prevents hot air from escaping in winter and keeps cool air inside during summer.
  • Ceiling Fans: Utilize ceiling fans to circulate air. In winter, set them to run clockwise at a low speed to push warm air down.

3. Efficient Lighting

Lighting is another area where small changes can lead to significant savings:

  • LED Bulbs: Replace incandescent bulbs with LED ones. They use less energy and last longer.
  • Natural Light: Maximize the use of natural light during the day. Open curtains and blinds to reduce the need for artificial lighting.
  • Smart Lighting: Consider installing smart bulbs that you can control remotely. They allow you to turn off lights when not in use, even if you're not home.

4. Water ConservationM

Water bills can add up quickly, but there are several ways to conserve water in your rental home:

  • Low-Flow Fixtures: Install low-flow showerheads and faucet aerators to reduce water usage without compromising water pressure.
  • Fix Leaks: Report any leaks to your property management immediately. A dripping faucet or a running toilet can waste a significant amount of water over time.
  • Shorter Showers: Encourage household members to take shorter showers. Even cutting down by a few minutes can save gallons of water.
  • Efficient Appliances: Use energy-efficient appliances like dishwashers and washing machines. Only run them with full loads to maximize efficiency.

5. Smart Use of Appliances

Appliances can be a significant source of energy consumption. Here’s how to use them more efficiently:

  • Energy Star Appliances: If your rental home doesn’t have Energy Star-rated appliances, consider asking your property management if upgrades are possible.
  • **Unplug Unused Electronics**: Many devices consume energy even when not in use. Unplug chargers, entertainment systems, and kitchen appliances when they’re not needed.
  • Smart Power Strips: Use smart power strips to cut off power to devices that are in standby mode.

6. Insulation and Weatherproofing

Proper insulation and weatherproofing can drastically reduce your heating and cooling costs:

  • Window Treatments: Use heavy curtains or thermal shades to keep the heat in during winter and block the sun during summer.
  • Door Draft Stoppers: Place draft stoppers at the bottom of doors to prevent air from leaking in or out.
  • Insulation Upgrades: Check with your property management about the insulation in your home. Adding insulation to attics or walls can be a cost-effective way to improve energy efficiency.

7. Renewable Energy Options

If you're looking to make a bigger impact, consider renewable energy options:

  • Solar Panels: While installing solar panels might not be an option for all renters, some properties offer shared solar energy systems. Inquire with your property management about available renewable energy programs.
  • Community Solar: Look into community solar programs where you can buy into a local solar project and receive credits on your electricity bill.

8. Monitor and Adjust Your Habits

Sometimes, saving on utilities is about making small adjustments to daily habits:

  • Laundry: Wash clothes in cold water whenever possible and line dry instead of using a dryer.
  • **Dishwasher**: Use the dishwasher instead of handwashing, as it typically uses less water. Avoid using the heat dry setting.
  • Cooking: Use a microwave or toaster oven for small meals instead of heating up the full oven.

9. Take Advantage of Utility Programs

Many utility companies offer programs to help you save money:

  • Budget Billing: Smooth out your utility costs throughout the year with budget billing, which averages your monthly payments.
  • Rebates and Incentives: Check for rebates and incentives for energy-efficient appliances and home improvements.
  • Peak Usage Alerts: Sign up for alerts about peak usage times to reduce your consumption when rates are highest.


Managing your utility costs effectively not only saves you money but also contributes to a more sustainable lifestyle. Implementing these tips can make a significant difference in your energy and water usage, leading to lower bills and a smaller environmental footprint.

At Wolfnest, we strive to provide our tenants with the best living experience possible. As a leading property management company in Salt Lake City, Utah, we are committed to helping you find practical solutions for everyday challenges. Whether you need assistance with maintenance requests or have questions about improving your rental home's energy efficiency, our team is here to support you. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you make the most of your rental experience.

By implementing these strategies, you’ll be well on your way to enjoying a comfortable, cost-effective, and energy-efficient rental home.

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